I had the incredible opportunity of attending New York Fashion Week this time last year. It was my first time attempt to go as a blogger, and I was extremely nervous with anticipation. I didn't really know what to expect or whether or not I would be able to see shows. At that time, I only had one invite, and it was given to me by a friend. 

Lucky for me, a snow storm surprised all of New York City just after I arrived and changed a lot of people's plans. This freed up some seats, and I was able to attend over 10 shows! Chills and goosebumps filled my body as the lights turned on and the first model appeared. It's difficult to describe the magnitude of that moment. I wasn't there to get my picture taken or see celebrities, I was there to absorb everything and fulfill a life long dream. And it was a DREAM. COME. TRUE. Even as I write this post, my eyes well up with tears of joy thinking about my experience. I felt such a huge honor to be there among legitimate members of the fashion industry. 

I also remember thinking that all the pictures in my mind were so much more beautiful than the pictures on my camera, and so I never shared them. I nostalgically went back through my images last month and realized that they're not that bad. 

Here are my pictures from the Charlotte Ronson F/W 2013 presentation. Her collection was a mix media of leather, knits, and cotton floral prints in dominating deep purples and greens. I'm curious to see what she shows on Friday and how her design esthetic has changed/evolved.

Come back tomorrow to see my images from Marissa Webb's F/W 2013 collection.  



  1. Thanks for reminiscing about your experience, Tammy- I suppose you never forget your first :P. Also, I bet all the models wanted to be the one who got to wear that amazing hat!

    1. Haha! You're right about that. ;) I love how the models all play to the camera - even little blogger cameras. xo

  2. Tammy, your photography is amazing! I know that has nothing to do with the subject at hand...but in a way it does because your great photography brought the collection to life.

    1. Thanks, Vivi! I really appreciate the compliment. I definitely want to get better everyday.
