First Snow \\ Taken from a Capital Bikeshare bike just as DC's first snow storm of the year was starting.
Bulldog Infinity Scarf \\ I finally finished a scarf that I started knitting 2 years ago and had forgotten about. Turns out it was too short to be worn comfortably by me or my husband so I gave it to my bully. He loves it. Obviously.
New Winter Coat \\ Now is the best time to buy coats! It's FREEZING, and they're all on sale. I bought this coat on super sale 2-weeks ago but am now on the fence as to wether or not I should keep it...what do you think? I'm think I may hold out for this one.
Cafe Marvin \\ Every Thursday night from 10 PM to 1 AM, Marvin turns into #CafeMarvin featuring Executive Chef Angel Franco's New Orleans-style beignets and hot drinks...including spiked hot chocolate (OMG so good!). I walked there last night in 10 degree weather and can confidently say it was well worth it. Pic here.
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